
Curtis Evarts 柯惕思

As curator of the Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture 1990-1996, Curtis Evarts was intimately involved with the formation of one of the world's greatest Chinese hardwood furniture collections. As contributing editor to the Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society 1990-1994, his research probed many technical areas of Chinese furniture.
His independent research and publications since have continued to provide a consistent source of nourishment for the field. His numerous publications and lectures are listed below.

Curtis Evarts also offers guidance to beginning and seasoned collectors. His services also include authentication and appraisal. Please contact him for further inquiry.

柯惕思(中文名拜受于北京王世襄先生, 意含 "清晰思辨")目前旅居上海, 独立从事中国古董家具领域的研究和顾问工作。

任职于美国加州“中国古典家具博物馆”馆长(1990-1996)期间 , 柯惕思密切参与策划世上最大的中国古典硬木家具收藏之一。

身为加州“中国古典家具协会期刊”编辑(1990-1994) 的期间, 他深入不少中国家具技术层面的议题研究和论文报告. 与莎拉韩德尔博士, 安思远先生, 王世襄先生等人互相切磋, 共同为中国古典家具的文化和艺术传承效棉薄之力。

1997年, 他决定迁移到台北, 继续他个人独立研究和著作, 凭着个人的爱好和热诚, 以一己之力持续不断地提供滋养的资源灌溉中国古典家具园地. 在台六年期间, 有幸协助国立历史博物馆顾问策划台湾有史以来首次明清古典家具收藏展-风华再现, 掀起岛内外爱好者的交流热潮, 也起到中国文化教育熏陶的作用。

柯先生与世界各地收藏中国古董家具的博物馆, 国内外私人收藏家, 学者, 行家和国际拍卖行(苏富比和嘉士得)多有接触交流及顾问, 再加上自己勤奋考据国内外史料和探访实物, 累积深厚的经验和资讯, 除了著书写专刊, 演讲, 认证, 鉴定, 也默默耕耘他一手创立的国际性中国古典家具网站 http://www.chinese-furniture.com/, 以学术交流和文化艺术熏陶为主, 商务服务为辅。
