Nance Berliner,研究中国艺术的独立学者(现为Peabody Essex 博物馆中国文化艺术馆馆长)1996年与同事在中国旅行时,曾到访过空着的蔭馀堂,比较巧合的是,该年晚些时候Nance再次来到蔭馀堂的时候,黄家的后人正好集合在一起商量准备卖掉该所房子,而当时黄山当地的文化遗产管理部门也正在寻找接洽美国的相关文化机构,希望能够帮助在国际上宣传推广该地传统建筑文化,以提高知名度。
于是作为一个保护和推广徽州建筑的个文化交流项目,Peabody Essex Museum和当地政府签订了协议,蔭馀堂整体迁移到美国,作为回报,美方支援徽州古建筑保护的一些项目也陆续展开。
荫馀堂原为安徽省休宁县黄村黄家所有,始建於清代,有两百多年的历史。黄家本有意将荫馀堂拍卖或拆除,後与Peabody Essex Museum博物馆接触(应为Nancy女士先接触到黄家人),馆方决定买下并将其运至美国展览。一九九七年起开始解体调查,并将荫馀堂的全部建筑构件及民居内的器物由中国运至美国,行上金花、批红布、安五袋、钉五色布、上香、敬酒等中国传统的破土上梁仪式後,将其原样恢复,於二OO三年六月开始永久对公众开放展览。现在的荫馀堂坐落在Boston的Salem,PEM为其精心制作了网站,提供荫馀堂简史、荫馀堂家谱世系、并以3D动画呈现荫馀堂的建筑构造和搬迁过程。
Introduction of Chinese Philosophy
The specific social and historical conditions that nurtured the birth of Chinese philosophers have not only contributed to the features of Chinese philosophy, but also influenced the characters of Chinese people.
The Development and Features of Chinese Philosophy "Misfortunes of a nation may turn out to be fortunes of a philosopher," noted Qian Mu, a renowned expert in Chinese cultural studies.
The sentence vividly summarizes ancient Chinese philosophers and their work, with Chinese history providing verification through the passage of time. In the majestic periods of Chinese history like the Han (206BC-220AD) and Tang (618-907) dynasties, major achievements in the humanities occurred in the field of literature, but at times of social unrest, philosophical accomplishments were even more prominent.
Ancient Chinese philosophers were born out of sorcery. After a series of incidents, ancient belief systems in destiny were gradually shaken and finally collapsed. The symbolic events that indicated the birth of Chinese philosophy were all developed by historiographers and senior officials in the government of the Zhou Dynasty (about 11th Century-221BC) helping to explain natural and social phenomena. The old-type sorcerers, who were most used to providing theological explanations, discarded their most familiar habits of resorting to augury, and emerged anew as philosophers, trying to give logical explanations by employing reason. Chinese philosophy, as a new form of culture, was born.
However, because of their unique identity as sorcerers, Chinese philosophers were not merely pursuing knowledge out of a pure "love of wisdom" as did their western counterparts. While they also tried their best to explain naturally occurring phenomena, what concerned them most were social issues. The purpose of learning the "orders of things" was to provide a better and more complete systematic explanation to human matters, rather than solving the problem of the absence of spiritual dependence after the collapse of primitive religious beliefs in ancient China.
The specific social and historical conditions that nurtured the birth of Chinese philosophers have not only contributed to the features of Chinese philosophy, but also influenced the characters of Chinese people. "To examine heavenly order to learn human affairs," -- perhaps considered the prime task by ancient Chinese philosophers -- characterized Chinese philosophy with the distinct feature of giving great attention to societal needs. The focal point on people led to Chinese philosophers' suffering and worries about society, especially at the times of social chaos.
On the other hand, ancient Chinese had a good tradition of theoretical thinking. Though the focus was always on human affairs, Chinese philosophers were always looking for a reason to develop thought that explained ordinary or mundane affairs of the day-to-day world.
These characteristics of Chinese philosophy and various philosophers contributed greatly to the historical development of the nation, with some believing that the "misfortunes of a nation may turn out to be the fortune of its philosophers."
Development stages
Before the Qin Dynasty (221-207BC), traditional values from the Zhou Dynasty gradually collapsed, with different regimes and different thoughts flourishing throughout China. According to official records of the Han Dynasty, there are as many as 189 different schools of thoughts at the time, making that period the pinnacle of Chinese philosophy. Scholars in the Han Dynasty summed up the pre-Qin philosophy in "nine genres and 10 schools."
At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), the notion that "heaven is dead" prevailed; Confucian moral concepts and values waned; and, society experienced major turbulence. Philosophers at the time used r metaphysical discussions on the interrelation between Confucianism and Taoism to explain a number of important topics like the relationship between Confucianism and nature. Theoretical hypotheses were unprecedented during this time.
From the Tang to the Song Dynasty (960-1279), traditional values suffered from disorder as the Han people blended with other ethnic groups. The contradictions between foreign and indigenous cultures, and official and folk cultures, were more glaring than ever. Facing the contradictions, Han Yu and Li Ao made their voices heard, followed by the "three doctors at the Beginning of Song Dynasty," Sun Fu, Shi Jie, and Hu Yuan, as well as "five scholars in the Northern Song Dynasty," Zhou Dunyi, Shao Yong, Zhang Zai, Cheng Hao, and Cheng Yi. The Confucian school of idealist philosophers endeavored to re-establish a spiritual world for the people in the Song Dynasty, with their efforts to integrate Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.
At the juncture of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1644), a generation of scholars chose secluded lives in the mountains and temples after the Manchu Ethnic Group seized power. They sorted out a traditional system and rules, and profoundly criticized and meditated on traditional culture. A galaxy of philosophers with noticeable achievements like Wang Fuzhi, Gu Yanwu, Huang Zongxi, and Fang Yizhi brought Chinese philosophy to a profound new theoretical height.
In modern times, the "Middle Kingdom" was repeatedly defeated by the imperial countries, and the nation's confidence was at its lowest point ever. The task of the time was to "save the nation from subjugation and ensure its survival." Chinese philosophers researched a wide range of subjects on ancient, modern, eastern, and western philosophies, striving to improve China's own philosophy. The trend is still continuing today, forming a new mixed cultural philosophy.
As a result of its features, Chinese philosophy has always had a close relationship with society in its development process. The "misfortunes" the nation has suffered from time to time presented major philosophical challenges, and the "fortunes" of philosophers were vital creations as responses to philosophical subjects of the time.
Whenever Chinese philosophy experienced a thriving period, a number of different schools, abundant talented people, the extent of freedoms, and scope of studies tended to surpass the previous period. The rise and decline of Chinese philosophy has much to do with the rise and decline of society, shaping characteristics and connotations of the nation's ethos. (China Style)
The specific social and historical conditions that nurtured the birth of Chinese philosophers have not only contributed to the features of Chinese philosophy, but also influenced the characters of Chinese people.
The Development and Features of Chinese Philosophy "Misfortunes of a nation may turn out to be fortunes of a philosopher," noted Qian Mu, a renowned expert in Chinese cultural studies.
The sentence vividly summarizes ancient Chinese philosophers and their work, with Chinese history providing verification through the passage of time. In the majestic periods of Chinese history like the Han (206BC-220AD) and Tang (618-907) dynasties, major achievements in the humanities occurred in the field of literature, but at times of social unrest, philosophical accomplishments were even more prominent.
Ancient Chinese philosophers were born out of sorcery. After a series of incidents, ancient belief systems in destiny were gradually shaken and finally collapsed. The symbolic events that indicated the birth of Chinese philosophy were all developed by historiographers and senior officials in the government of the Zhou Dynasty (about 11th Century-221BC) helping to explain natural and social phenomena. The old-type sorcerers, who were most used to providing theological explanations, discarded their most familiar habits of resorting to augury, and emerged anew as philosophers, trying to give logical explanations by employing reason. Chinese philosophy, as a new form of culture, was born.
However, because of their unique identity as sorcerers, Chinese philosophers were not merely pursuing knowledge out of a pure "love of wisdom" as did their western counterparts. While they also tried their best to explain naturally occurring phenomena, what concerned them most were social issues. The purpose of learning the "orders of things" was to provide a better and more complete systematic explanation to human matters, rather than solving the problem of the absence of spiritual dependence after the collapse of primitive religious beliefs in ancient China.
The specific social and historical conditions that nurtured the birth of Chinese philosophers have not only contributed to the features of Chinese philosophy, but also influenced the characters of Chinese people. "To examine heavenly order to learn human affairs," -- perhaps considered the prime task by ancient Chinese philosophers -- characterized Chinese philosophy with the distinct feature of giving great attention to societal needs. The focal point on people led to Chinese philosophers' suffering and worries about society, especially at the times of social chaos.
On the other hand, ancient Chinese had a good tradition of theoretical thinking. Though the focus was always on human affairs, Chinese philosophers were always looking for a reason to develop thought that explained ordinary or mundane affairs of the day-to-day world.
These characteristics of Chinese philosophy and various philosophers contributed greatly to the historical development of the nation, with some believing that the "misfortunes of a nation may turn out to be the fortune of its philosophers."
Development stages
Before the Qin Dynasty (221-207BC), traditional values from the Zhou Dynasty gradually collapsed, with different regimes and different thoughts flourishing throughout China. According to official records of the Han Dynasty, there are as many as 189 different schools of thoughts at the time, making that period the pinnacle of Chinese philosophy. Scholars in the Han Dynasty summed up the pre-Qin philosophy in "nine genres and 10 schools."
At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), the notion that "heaven is dead" prevailed; Confucian moral concepts and values waned; and, society experienced major turbulence. Philosophers at the time used r metaphysical discussions on the interrelation between Confucianism and Taoism to explain a number of important topics like the relationship between Confucianism and nature. Theoretical hypotheses were unprecedented during this time.
From the Tang to the Song Dynasty (960-1279), traditional values suffered from disorder as the Han people blended with other ethnic groups. The contradictions between foreign and indigenous cultures, and official and folk cultures, were more glaring than ever. Facing the contradictions, Han Yu and Li Ao made their voices heard, followed by the "three doctors at the Beginning of Song Dynasty," Sun Fu, Shi Jie, and Hu Yuan, as well as "five scholars in the Northern Song Dynasty," Zhou Dunyi, Shao Yong, Zhang Zai, Cheng Hao, and Cheng Yi. The Confucian school of idealist philosophers endeavored to re-establish a spiritual world for the people in the Song Dynasty, with their efforts to integrate Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.
At the juncture of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1644), a generation of scholars chose secluded lives in the mountains and temples after the Manchu Ethnic Group seized power. They sorted out a traditional system and rules, and profoundly criticized and meditated on traditional culture. A galaxy of philosophers with noticeable achievements like Wang Fuzhi, Gu Yanwu, Huang Zongxi, and Fang Yizhi brought Chinese philosophy to a profound new theoretical height.
In modern times, the "Middle Kingdom" was repeatedly defeated by the imperial countries, and the nation's confidence was at its lowest point ever. The task of the time was to "save the nation from subjugation and ensure its survival." Chinese philosophers researched a wide range of subjects on ancient, modern, eastern, and western philosophies, striving to improve China's own philosophy. The trend is still continuing today, forming a new mixed cultural philosophy.
As a result of its features, Chinese philosophy has always had a close relationship with society in its development process. The "misfortunes" the nation has suffered from time to time presented major philosophical challenges, and the "fortunes" of philosophers were vital creations as responses to philosophical subjects of the time.
Whenever Chinese philosophy experienced a thriving period, a number of different schools, abundant talented people, the extent of freedoms, and scope of studies tended to surpass the previous period. The rise and decline of Chinese philosophy has much to do with the rise and decline of society, shaping characteristics and connotations of the nation's ethos. (China Style)
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Greentea was born of the need for contemporary Asian designs. After years of searching for such pieces we began collaborating with a select group of talented artisans to create stylish furniture that fulfills Western practicalities.
10 years ago we built our first step chest from reclaimed wood and since then we've expanded our line greatly.
Our experienced buyers also hand-pick antiques from Japan, Korea and China, which can then be retrofitted by our in-house carpenter.
何周礼:明 2002
梁志天(Steve Leung),香港十大顶尖设计师之一,拥有香港大学建筑学学士,城市规划硕士多个显赫学历,积累了丰富的设计经验。
作为室内设计大师,梁志天不仅在香港赫赫有名,在世界和中国大陆的室内设计装饰界也很“红火”。1999年,梁先生荣获素有室内设计奥斯卡之称的Andrew Martin International Award奖;2002年,在广州举办的国际家具博览会上,香港贸发局就专门请来梁先生主持和讲演,举办了一个别开生面的香港室内设计研讨会。近年,梁先生的作品遍及香港、大陆和海外,成为室内设计的经典作品,写进各种样板教科书中。
1957 年生于香港。 1981 年完成香港大学建筑学士学位课程。
代表香港远赴波兰参加国际建筑学学生设计比赛,赢得多个国际奖项。 1983 年获颁香港注册建筑师资格。 1986 年取得香港大学城市规划硕士。 1988 年开展个人事业,创立建筑及城市规划顾问公司。
1997 年公司进行重组并成立梁志天建筑师有限公司及梁志天设计师有限公司,同时涉足建筑及室内设计专业,启动了「简约自然」、「以人为本」的设计意念,致力为居停注入生命,为生命缔造空间。
1999 年获素有室内设计奥斯卡之称的Andrew Martin International Award殷选为全球 31 位着名室内设计师之一。如今仍努力耕耘,对建筑和室内设计艺术锲而不舍......
追求简约美,是因为天地本身就提供了两种最基本、最完美的设计元素 ── 光影和空间。能善用这些元素,再加上点点创意和对人的体贴,点到即止,就能为生活的每个角落,营造舒适和谐。
作为室内设计大师,梁志天不仅在香港赫赫有名,在世界和中国大陆的室内设计装饰界也很“红火”。1999年,梁先生荣获素有室内设计奥斯卡之称的Andrew Martin International Award奖;2002年,在广州举办的国际家具博览会上,香港贸发局就专门请来梁先生主持和讲演,举办了一个别开生面的香港室内设计研讨会。近年,梁先生的作品遍及香港、大陆和海外,成为室内设计的经典作品,写进各种样板教科书中。
1957 年生于香港。 1981 年完成香港大学建筑学士学位课程。
代表香港远赴波兰参加国际建筑学学生设计比赛,赢得多个国际奖项。 1983 年获颁香港注册建筑师资格。 1986 年取得香港大学城市规划硕士。 1988 年开展个人事业,创立建筑及城市规划顾问公司。
1997 年公司进行重组并成立梁志天建筑师有限公司及梁志天设计师有限公司,同时涉足建筑及室内设计专业,启动了「简约自然」、「以人为本」的设计意念,致力为居停注入生命,为生命缔造空间。
1999 年获素有室内设计奥斯卡之称的Andrew Martin International Award殷选为全球 31 位着名室内设计师之一。如今仍努力耕耘,对建筑和室内设计艺术锲而不舍......
追求简约美,是因为天地本身就提供了两种最基本、最完美的设计元素 ── 光影和空间。能善用这些元素,再加上点点创意和对人的体贴,点到即止,就能为生活的每个角落,营造舒适和谐。
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